Once again I am confused

I understand I am on standard data. I realize there is some light rain. But 4.5 hours of rates below 1 Mbps? This cannot possibly be right, can it? I have not been able to do ANYTHING I need to do since before 6pm tohis evening because I have had repeated tests just like this one. In fact I have run tests every hour looking for improvements and nothing is getting better, in fact it has gotten worse. Will someone figure this out please. If a light drizzle can cause this then find a solution. And yes, I know I am on standard data but i am pretty sure 90s dial up was faster than this.


And a test 5 min later was worse


And still…nearly 2 hours more standing right beside the modem.


Hi @jaydadawnbowden,

I’ve checked our system and noticed that your signal quality significantly dropped due to recent weather conditions in your area.

It’s important to notice that weather plays a big role in satellite connections, as the signal needs to travel from the satellite to your house. Poor weather can cause signal fluctuations or even temporary outages.

Although the weather hasn’t fully cleared up yet, I can see that your modem speeds are now higher than when you ran the tests:


Please keep in mind that your speeds may be slower due to the fact that you’ve reached your high-speed data limit and depending on how congested the network is.

I hope this helps clarify your concerns.
