Extender Broken Record

My data usage has doubled since the data extender was eliminated. And let’s be honest, everyone knows it was a cash grab. But now, it has doubled in one day. My wife and I watched the same amount of tv on Sunday as we did on Monday. Mondays data usage was double Sundays’. We’ve used one third of our data allotment in 4 days. That would be a total of 10 hours of tv viewing. And we have the data plan the Viasat rep suggested we use based on our usage habits. I consider all of this a breach of contract on Viasat’s part.

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Did you try setting video quality manually as per How do I manually set video quality at streaming video sites?? Is that not helping you at all?

Also, we are working on something to help those who want the Extender back. I will direct message you about it.

Did what I could. Most sites don’t allow for individual quality settings. Netflix is the only one we watch that does, and we did set it lower. Also set our Amazon Fire to its lowest setting. But we watch Netflix 3 hours a week and our Fire only seven.

Matthew D
(this has been edited by @Peter to remove personally identifiable information)

Thank you. Your service was great, a little expensive, but at least high quality, until the data extender was removed.

Matthew D
(this has been edited by @Peter to remove personally identifiable information)

Ok I sent you a direct message. Also I have edited out your personally identifiable information in the above post. I hope you don’t mind our doing that.

I responded to the DM you referenced. The edit is fine and I would like to participate in the trial program.

Matthew D
(this has been edited by @Peter to remove personally identifiable information)

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@matthewlansford As you’re participating in the data saver experiment, we’re considering that the solution for this particular forum topic

Once the data extender was reinstated, my usage dropped to approximately a third of what it was previously. Plus I’ve had no issues with a decrease in video quality. Same both ways. The only difference is I’ve had to reset the modem a few more times than normal, but we’ve also had severe weather so the two issues may be different.