Hi @angler10
It’s possible you are using an Amazon VPN – that would explain why your ISP shows up as “Amazon”, and also why your speeds are slow.
Are you able to check on your device if that is the case?
No Amazon VPN that I’m aware of.
Hi @angler10
Do you know how to check the Wi-Fi settings on the device in which you ran those last tests?
Also @angler10
Could you please send us the full result page of those tests with “Amazon” as the ISP? As they don’t seem to be advanced Speedchecks (modem + device test), we can’t see your result history.
Hi @angler10
Thanks for the screenshot, is this PC the device with which you’ve run all of those tests? It looks like the connection is correct, so the issue could be internal.
Could you send us screenshots or the hyperlink of the full results page for at least one of those tests with “Amazon” ISP? You can click on the result itself, and a new page will open for more in-depth statistics.
Hi @angler10
Thanks for the screenshots. It looks like the “Amazon” test has a Share button, could you send the result to us so we can escalate this bug?
Hi @angler10
I’m escalating this issue to understand what caused this bug.
For now, it looks like the network is being correctly identified again, and your speeds are very good!
We’ll let you know as soon as we have more information on this issue.
If you need help with anything else in the meantime, let us know!
Ok thanks. Only thing I can think of, is that I added a Blink (Amazon) Camera to my WIFI network a few weeks ago. There is no separate network for it but it does use the WIFI from the modem Not sure if that could have caused an issue or not but I think it’s worth noting. Thanks again.
Hi @angler10
We’re still investigating some possibilities around this bug.
- Could you try running a few more tests please? If the Amazon ISP shows up again, please go to the website https://ifconfig.co/ip and send us in a private message the IP that shows up (or a picture here, and we can blur it).
- Were all of your speedchecks done on a Windows 10 computer, and using this website speedcheck.viasat.com while logged in? Were you using the Viasat browser for all of them, or normal Chrome?
I just ran 3 more tests on Chrome and all are showing Viasat ISP.
Yes the speed checks were done on Windows 10/Chrome for all the Amazon results this morning. I downloaded the Viasat browser after notifying you of the issue.
Hello again,
I’m again getting very slow results from the Amazon ISP on both a Windows 10 and Windows 11 computer: Please help
Windows 11:
Windows 10:
Result history:
Hi @angler10
Just to clarify, all the tests in which you received slow speeds as “Amazon” as your ISP were run only on the Windows 11 computer, or is this happening across all your devices?
I see that the IP showing up is different when you received “Amazon ISP” – were you able to double-check using the same computer the IP that shows up in https://ifconfig.co/ip?
By the way @angler10
Are you absolutely sure that you are not using a VPN?
You can check this going by Selecting the Start button, then select Settings > Network & Internet > VPN, in both Win 10 and 11.