Viasat stream hub issues again

Hello, I had an issue with the hub to where it would only play shows previously watched. We were told that the issue was resolved and it was here, last night only. Today, we are back to the spinning wheel.

Hi @Klmeeks

Is this still happening? Could you send us a screenshot if possible?

I see that the fix for the previous Stream issue has already been deployed to your Hub, so I’ll check with the Stream team if there’s something else going on with your setup.

By the way, do you recall the time when that happened? Was the whole internet connection slowed/offline, or was it just the Stream Hub that didn’t load?

I noticed you’re currently out of high-speed data, so during peak periods the connection may be de-prioritized, and slower speeds can often look like buffering/infinite loading.

Hi @Klmeeks

I double-checked with the Stream team and your Hub is working as intended, with all fixes up to date – they could only find a small period of 2 minutes of loading screen, out of the many hours used.

I believe this came from the possible slow speeds in standard unlimited data.

Please let us know if the issue persists!

Thank you.