Viasat Router speed varience between from router and to router

I shut down my mesh network and ran speed tests between 5g and 24g on the viasat router. I see a trend with much faster speeds to the modem than from the modem. With the centurylink router disconnected why is there such a wide varience between the two.
The first test wound only run the first part with a error message on the second part of the speed test. Thats when I disconnected the mesh route and ran more tests

Hi @jewilson7 ,

Sometimes, Speed Check may present errors. If this occurs, please try logging out and then logging back in. If the issue persists, wait a few hours and try again.

Your router does not affect the speeds on your modem. Internet speeds can vary depending on the time of day, often slowing down during peak hours. This variation is likely why you noticed a difference in your recent test results, as it was the first time you ran the test during that time range.


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