Hello and good Morning, Seems the MyViasat app has a bug, It is showing after my data reset as of yesterday that I have used over 800gb of Data already.
I tried to call it in,But those customer care reps did not seem to care nor Did they want to listen, So I bring this up now here so maybe the correct team can be informed of this issue happening.
Hi @Mannyrue
Could you send us a screenshot of what you’re currently seeing?
It looks like you’ve only used 20.81 GBs of data since the bill change of July 28.
It’s possible that the app is referring to this moving overall usage – can you confirm for us if you’re seeing the same screen?
Yep that is the same screen, Stated above it tho I had used over 800gb of data tho already as well, Got no way to save the screen right now but if I can figure out a way will upload!
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It’s like the app never reset it to zero when my cycle came up!
Hi @Mannyrue
Thanks for the screenshot! Yes, that’s the new interface explaining data usage for Unleashed customers. So at least we know it’s not a bug.
In this new billing cycle, you’ve used around 75 GBs – but that interface means “your data usage is consistently more than a typical residential user on our network (usage trending to exceed 850 GBs in any 30 day period)”.
That is because Unleashed doesn’t work like previous plans, in which your data allowance was monthly, and tied to your billing cycle. We don’t have a more in-depth explanation on this as it’s not tied to any technical issue, so we normally recommend that customers get in touch with Customer Care and specifically ask for the explanation around the Unleashed usage.
You may have noticed that you currently have reduced priority during times of network congestion, resulting in slower speeds, which also comes from this usage score.
PS: I’m attaching the PDF that should be showing up for you regarding this inside the MyViasat app: https://www.viasat.com/content/dam/us-site/legal/documents/Unlimited_Data_Policy_v16%20.pdf
So i’m being punished already on my new billing cycle, Cause I “Might” go over the 850gb, Which would be a guessing game by tech support if I do or don’t!
Hi @Mannyrue
Not at all, the de-prioritization comes from the system detecting that you already have gone over this 850GBs cap in the previous billing cycles.
I can have a look at your data usage in the previous months to double-check that this is the case, if you’d like.
Yes please, Cause last Night I was in the KBS with speed!
Hi @Mannyrue
- On this current billing cycle (ends August 27), the overall usage is 75 GBs.
- On the previous billing cycle (ended July 27), the overall usage computed was 807 GBs.
- On the third billing cycle (ended June 27), the overall usage computed was around 1018 GBs.
I’ve sent you a more in-depth report of these billing cycles over a private message.