Slow still...please

So what will it be this time? Am i out of high speed data? No. Is there poor weather? No (see attached radar photo). If it is congestion then please fix the problem because i pay to have the data and if you have too many customers in my area to provide what i am paying for the perhaps that is your issue not mine. But please do something about this.

Hi, @jaydadawnbowden,

That’s correct, the weather is not impacting the signal now.

At this moment speeds are better, but unfortunately at peak busy periods there can be congestion in the network, which can decrease your speeds.

During the peak period, I suggest connecting fewer devices to your network, not using VPN, and connecting your device via Ethernet cable if possible.

The company is continuously working to improve the service, but there is no immediate solution at this moment for the speed fluctuation during peak busy times.

Yes today, during the day speeds are fine. Almost always are. The problem arises when I want to sit down and watch something in the evening or I need to do my job or my online courses and can’t.