Slow speeds for multiple days. Speed test comes back as less than 1 to a little over 1
Hi @sull45 ,
From what I can see your usage exceeded your monthly priority data and this causes your service to be less prioritized during peak periods.
I’ve added data free of charge to your account so we can troubleshoot your issue. Before all of this data is used up, can you please use a laptop or Android phone to run a complete speed diagnosis on, using the Viasat Browser?
This will help us get a full reading on the speed situation and allow us to identify/rule out Wi-Fi issues.
You can follow our guide: How to run a complete speed diagnosis.
I did the speed check you requested. The 8mg speed is faster than ive been getting for quite a while. I did reboot the modem earlier today and I got better results. I understand i have exceeded my limit for high speed but the lower speeds are so low, its impossible to even open a page without a long wait for it to load. Thanks for your help. Hope it continues.
Hi @sull45,
I couldn’t see your results on Speedcheck. Were you logged into your MyViasat account when you performed the test?
If not, could you please repeat the test once you log in? As Leonardo said, these results help us identify any Wi-Fi issues that could also be causing the low speeds.