Slow speeds in the evening

My evening speeds are very very slow - under 10. I unplug the modem and call repeatedly. I am fed up with this service.

Hi @joepeace

Sorry about this experience you’re having with Viasat.

It looks like your speedchecks only captured the Device’s speeds – is your device far away from the modem, or is it in the same room/floor? Are you connected via Wi-Fi or cable?

When you get a chance, can you please use a laptop or Android phone to run a complete speed diagnosis on, with the Viasat Browser?

The full test, when logged in and using the browser, captures both your modem’s and your device’s speeds. This will help us get a full reading on the speed situation and allow us to identify/rule out Wi-Fi issues.

You can follow our guide: How to run a complete speed diagnosis.
