Once again slower than molasses in a blizzard

It seems like this is becoming a routine problem. Once again i have spent the last 2 days fighting to reach sppeds that are even up to Frontier DSL rural levels…they couldn’t even reach 6 Mbps.just about 5 weeks has gone by since this was an issue…and i think 5 weeks before that. If running out of high speed data does this then holy moses maybe i need to look at what other companies are telling me they have.

Hi @jaydadawnbowden

I believe we’ve explained this issue previously:

If your speed tests while using high-speed data are much better, and your speeds only drop after your high-speed data has run out, then unfortunately this is normal behavior for standard data.

Right now you have 4 days left until data renews on Aug 1 – when this happens, can you please run another few Speedchecks, so we can confirm whether the slow speeds came from not having high-speed data left?

Thank you!

By the way @jaydadawnbowden

As you find yourself frequently going over the high-speed data limit, it might be a good idea to get in touch with Customer Care and check what other Viasat plans we have in your region.

Sometimes newer plans are cheaper and have higher data allowances :slight_smile:

It was happening before the high speed data ran out. To the point that I couldn’t even run tests. It routinely happens on Friday and Saturday evenings. Next time I will post from cellular data that it is happening and I can’t even run tests but that doesn’t show anything. It is just very frustrating.

Hi @jaydadawnbowden

Can you recall the exact date in which you noticed the slow speeds?

By the way, I see that you bought a Data Boost yesterday, and your speeds changed massively between no high-speed data left and high-speed data added:

You’re currently averaging 60Mbps to 100Mbps, which are great speeds in comparison to your previous tests without high-speed data.

I don’t recall exact dates. I will try to document them in the future.

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As requested…this is just after purchasing more high speed data…

Hi @jaydadawnbowden

Sorry for the misunderstanding, but I believe you were still running in standard unlimited data when you ran this previous test.

I see that you bought a Data Boost for 5 GB, which would raise your allowance to 165 GBs of high-speed data, but you had already used up 200 GBs when you bought the first boost (July 28).

When you posted the test (July 30), you had bought another 5GBs – but you had already used up 217 GB. This means you were still de-prioritized, as the 2 data boosts would only raise your high-speed data to another 10 GBs (but you had used 57 GBs since the first boost).

However, I see that your normal high-speed data allowance resets tomorrow:


Could you please run for us another few speechecks when that happens? As it is, you’re still getting de-prioritized speeds.


So buying high speed data doesn’t mean I will get high speed data? I don’t understand then why I would buy extra data.

Hi @jaydadawnbowden

As you’re constantly going over the monthly high-speed data allowance, and your speeds without standard unlimited data are historically much better, I strongly recommend contacting Customer Care to check if a better plan is available for you.

If you switch to a plan with more high-speed data, then you will not be de-prioritized so often, as you will retain more of the high-speed data. As we concluded in previous topics, most months your usage reaches 250+ or even 300 GBs, and buying many “small” 5GB data boosts is expensive and doesn’t always solve the issue.

The majority of my usage is streaming usage. I was under the impression I was on a data saving program. Is that not the case?

Hi @jaydadawnbowden

I just double-checked on our Data Saver feature, and you are indeed correctly active and set to the lowest streaming speed of 2.6 Mbps.

However, even with the lowest rate, if you consume a high daily average of streaming content, you can still go over the data allowance.

The Data Saver feature helps to reduce your overall streaming usage, but if you use for example 8 hours of streaming daily at 2.6 Mbps, you will be using 1.20 GBs per hour – so 8 hours of streaming becomes ~10GBs of streaming daily.

If you stream every day for 30 days, at the minimum of 8 hours, it becomes 300 GBs, which is usually what your monthly data usage amounts to.

This is the expected usage for each rate:


Here is an example of a time when my high speed data is NOT gone but I am not getting the speeds I should…

Hi, @jaydadawnbowden,

During nighttime there could be network congestion (which reduces the speeds), and also I see that the weather is not good in your area at this moment, which degrades the signal quality.

When the sky is clear again, please run another test and let us know. Sorry for the inconvenience.


The night of that test was clear sky. So even having high speed data doesn’t mean I will get high speed?

Hi @jaydadawnbowden ,

Weather problems might happen even when the weather is clear in your area if the weather at the ground station which communicates with the satellite is bad. For a more visual guide of how this works, see below:


Our tools indicate severe signal deprecation due to the current weather for your service area, so this is the reason for the bad tests currently. I understand that this is not ideal but we appreciate your understanding on the matter.


I understand that there is a weather system in the area. I also understand there is an impact on speed with poor weather. The test when I was getting 11ish Mbps was taken and posted on Aug 4th. I don’t think there was weather systems that night. My point is simply that I have been told I would get high speed data and don’t and then am told it is because there is heavy traffic but that should not impact me if I am supposed to be within my high speed time. Additionally, maybe there should be a way to choose when a house wants to use high speed data or standard data instead of all the high speed data being consumed on mundane activities and then being left with standard data for other things.

Hi @jaydadawnbowden ,

We have checked and confirmed that weather conditions in the area did indeed impact your network’s performance on August 4th.

I understand your suggestion about having more control over when to use high-speed data. Currently, our system doesn’t offer that flexibility, however your feedback is really valuable and will be shared with our team.

If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out.


You are not the only one. My device speed is about 1/7th my modem speed even sitting my laptop on top of the modem.

Hi @uriqtest

I see that this is your first time posting on the Forum. You can open up a new topic specifically for your issue, and our team will have a look at your account individually.

Please use this link to open a new topic: Report an Issue
