Internet Getting Progressively Slower

Our internet keeps getting slower and slower on both our laptops and phones. When browsing, my pages time out and don’t connect. I did complete several speed tests using the ViaSat browser. Are there any settings I can change in my account to help? I’m trying to work from home, but this is taking up much of my time. I appreciate any ideas you may have to share.

Hi @Renee_S

Sorry about this experience :confused:

I see that your modem is having lots of offline events, and a few of them suggest that your antenna is currently mispointed.

I’ve escalated your issue to check if the modem is at fault (and confirm the mispoint), and as soon as I have an update, I’ll let you know if a service call is needed for this issue. :slight_smile:

Hi again @Renee_S

I’ve been monitoring your account, and it seems that there were no more modem drops after April 13th.

The weather in the region seems to have improved after Friday (April 12th), so it’s possible this was a temporary event due to last week’s weather events.

Are you still experiencing slow speeds? If so, do you happen to recall when exactly this issue started?

I noticed you’ve mentioned the speeds were getting progressively slower, so I assume this has been happening for at least a few days.

As an addendum, I noticed that your last few speed tests with low speeds were run during early to late evening:

… And on previous results, it looks like you achieved much higher speeds than 100Mbps (with the exception of a few buggy tests that timed out) during earlier periods of the day:

Do you recall if all of these tests were run from the same devices, and at the same distance from the modem? Even the tests with the highest modem speeds had much lower device speeds.

Whenever you have time, could you run a few tests again, but during different periods of the day, with an Ethernet cable? I know this is a bit of a hassle, but it’s worth ruling out a Wi-Fi issue.

Thank you!

Yes, these were on different devices. I used an iPad, laptop , and 2 different cell phones. I’m pretty sure it is a WiFi problem of some sort. Every time I run a test, it shows that the signal coming in is a good signal.

Hi @Renee_S

Thanks for the information!

Could you try running another few tests from your laptop while directly connected to the modem via Ethernet cable?

Lastly, I see that you previously had the add-on “Enhanced Wi-Fi” in your account which came with the installation, but it’s currently deactivated.

Do you still have the additional ARIA Hitron Router? It looks like this:


An external Router such as this one could greatly improve the Wi-Fi signal in your house, and consequently the speeds that your devices receive.

My laptop only has usb and usb c ports, so I don’t know how to do that other than WiFi. And yes, that is still the router we are using. It is connected to port 1 via Ethernet cable and has a solid white light.

Hi @Renee_S

Oh I see! :confused:

But no worries, we can try some alternatives.

All right, the solid white LED means the ARIA is working properly, but maybe there is a signal issue with it.

Could you try running some tests with the ARIA unplugged? You can remove the Ethernet and power cables from it, and the modem should automatically go back to its default state of using its own Wi-Fi.

If an issue arises with the new setup, you can plug the ARIA back in. :slight_smile:

By the way @Renee_S

If you find that the ARIA Hitron Router is not providing sufficient Wi-Fi range and/or speeds, there are 2 alternatives often recommended here on the Forum:

When unplugging the Aria, I completely lose a WiFi signal.

Hi @Renee_S

Is the ARIA still unplugged right now? We can remove the Bridge Mode setting from your modem so that it goes back to giving its own Wi-Fi signal.

I’m still trying to trouble shoot our internet issue. The ARIA is unplugged right now. Can you remove the bridge mode so we may continue to work on our signal issue?

I figured out how to disable the bridge mode. I’m going to run some tests and try reconnecting ARIA.

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Hi @Renee_S ,

We’re sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Did your situation improve at all? If not, I’ll continue to assist you.
