I want to install my own modem/router and everyone at the number to call in and get it done keeps feeding me a load of bull. I have been told that it would be ready in 1 hour, that i needed to configure my router a certain way then the phone call disconnects, that they needed information from me about my modem/router to authourize it to work on the network then phone call disconnects. I don’t know if they are hanging up on me or what, but I have so many answers to the same question. I NEED a REAL solution. ARRIS SBG7400AC2 CABLE MODEM/ROUTER replacing the ViaSat modem/router. Get all the way to the point of waiting for network connectivity that never connects.
Hi @Jestapher,
Please take a look at this quote from an earlier Forum topic:
Is there a specific reason why you wanted to make this change? You can’t replace the modem, but if you are trying to improve the Wi-Fi, you can use any router along with your Viasat modem.