Failure to disclose

every time i check my plan details to see the broadband consumer label, it always shows as unable to retrieve it at that time. I checked a new customer near me to see the label to see the “typical download speeds” is 96mps. I average around 20mps. I am paying for broadband service, but can’t achieve the speeds

Hi, @Devin_Worrall,

Sorry for the slow reply, I’m checking that now. Once I have some feedback I’ll let you know.


Hi, @Devin_Worrall,

You’re experiencing slower speeds because of this:

You can see that info on the My Viasat website or in the smartphone app.

During times of network congestion, customers trending to be in the top 20% of data consumption (i.e., trending to use more data than 80% of all residential customers) should expect to receive about half of their normal service speeds depending on the extent of network congestion.

Your typical usage is measured by looking at your usage over the past 30 days, so you would need to reduce the usage to get back to normal speeds.

If a significant part of your usage is video streaming, you could try activating the Data Saver feature - it automatically decreases the usage for video streaming.

If you think there might be some unknown app or device causing the high usage, we could take a look at your usage details. Let us know if you’re interested in that.

Another thing you could try is to use a wire connection, instead of Wi-Fi, to make sure you have the full available speeds the modem gets.

Please let me know if I can assist you on something else.


I’ve used only 416gbs in the last month. How am I trending to exceed 850? I didn’t get half of a “typical user”. The bar you are showing only hides the amount we are allowed. How can I know how much other people are using? So you are telling me just to use less when I am paying for unlimited broadband internet speeds that I’m not getting. Also, I still do not see the broadband consumer report on my account, which is a violation of the fcc

Hi, @Devin_Worrall,

Sorry for the delay, unfortunately, at this moment I do not have more details about the plan. I’m checking with the responsible team if there could be any issues affecting your account and I’ll get back to you.

About the report, do you mean the charges detail (available in your invoice) or the usage report (available in the My Viasat app and website)? If you want more usage information, we can generate a report with more details (including apps and device usage), but first you need to give us your consent.


On the my viasat app, on the plan tab, under “total data usage” in the last 30 days is under 400 GBs. A “typical user” is 850 GBs in 30 days. I’ll give consent to know why I’m only getting allowed to use half the advertised limit