First off, I would like to point out that I am not the owner of the internet that I am referring to with this topic; it belongs to my grandfather, Galen Wilson. However, I helped him select this service, spoke with the salesman to get it set up, was present for the installation, and am the individual who provides Galen with in-house tech support when he needs it.
Okay, to the matter at hand:
After a brief review of similar topics, I can see that high latency (“ping”) is expected from geosynchronous satellites, given their long transit time for signals (22,000mi or so, one way; 44k round trip) and the expected latency is between 500ms and 700ms. This would be fine with me, if only it were true.
I am attempting to play a video game called DayZ; this is an FPS zombie survival simulator. When I run speed tests in my browser, I get pings between 650ms and over 1,000ms. However, the game consistently reports my ping as 1,000+ms. It has yet to show anything below 750ms, and if I am lucky I might see an 850ms.
My PC is tethered to the router by an ethernet cord, and there is another device tethered by ethernet (a DISH Hopper device); there is also a router branched off of the ViaSat router to handle wireless signals (since it seems to work better than the ViaSat router that we were forced to lease). All told, there are up to seven devices (including wired and wireless) hooked up to the network (one desktop, two laptops, three cellular phones, and the Hopper) at any given time, though only two or three of them are actively being used for accessing the internet.
Also, the plan that my grandfather has is the ViaSat Unleashed plan, which I have been told has no data cap (and thus no throttling), so long as we don’t use more than 850GB in a 30-day period. We hardly use 250GB a month amongst all the devices, so I don’t think that is the cause of the issue.
What I want to know is, why is there such a large discrepancy in the “ViaSat Speed Test From Your Device”, Ookla’s Speed Test (from and the actual in-game latency in the DayZ application?
I will post a few screen shots to prove my point (these were taken at 2:30am, so that congestion isn’t a factor on speed/latency):
(screenshots for DayZ will be added later as a reply to this thread…)
Also, on a side note: We were promised between 50mbps and 150mbps… we’ve never seen more than 50mbps during our service, and it averages around 15-20mbps during the daytime. What gives?